GCP Machine Learning Practice Questions

54 minute read

Hello everyone, today we are going to practice some Machine Learning Questions by using Google Cloud Platform. In the following sections we are going to answer several questions that are important in Data Science projects in the IT industry by using Google Cloud Platform.

Google Cloud Platform, offered by Google, is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search, Gmail, Google Drive, and YouTube.

We have spited the questions and answers into six parts: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5

Part 1

Question 1.

You are experimenting with a built-in distributed XGBoost model in Vertex AI Workbench user-managed notebooks. You use BigQuery to split your data into training and validation sets. After training the model, you achieve an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC ROC) value of 0.8, but after deploying the model to production, you notice that your model performance has dropped to an AUC ROC value of 0.65. What problem is most likely occurring?


There is training-serving skew in your production environment.

Question 2.

You work for a biotech startup that is experimenting with deep learning ML models based on properties of biological organisms. Your team frequently works on early-stage experiments with new architectures of ML models, and writes custom TensorFlow ops in C++. You train your models on large datasets and large batch sizes. Your typical batch size has 1024 examples, and each example is about 1 MB in size. The average size of a network with all weights and embeddings is 20 GB. What hardware should you choose for your models?


A cluster with 2 a2-megagpu-16g machines, each with 16 NVIDIA Tesla A100 GPUs (640 GB GPU memory in total), 96 vCPUs, and 1.4 TB RAM

Question 3.

You are an ML engineer at a global car manufacturer. You need to build an ML model to predict car sales in different cities around the world. Which features or feature crosses should you use to train city-specific relationships between car type and number of sales?


One feature obtained as an element-wise product between binned latitude, binned longitude, and one-hot encoded car type

Question 4.

You work on a growing team of more than 50 data scientists who all use AI Platform. You are designing a strategy to organize your jobs, models, and versions in a clean and scalable way. Which strategy should you choose?


Use labels to organize resources into descriptive categories. Apply a label to each created resource so that users can filter the results by label when viewing or monitoring the resources.

Question 4b.

You are training a deep learning model for semantic image segmentation with reduced training time. While using a Deep Learning VM Image, you receive the following error: The resource ‘projects/deeplearning-platforn/zones/europe-west4-c/acceleratorTypes/nvidia-tesla-k80’ was not found. What should you do?


Ensure that you have GPU quota in the selected region.

Question 5.

Your team has been tasked with creating an ML solution in Google Cloud to classify support requests for one of your platforms. You analyzed the requirements and decided to use TensorFlow to build the classifier so that you have full control of the model’s code, serving, and deployment. You will use Kubeflow pipelines for the ML platform. To save time, you want to build on existing resources and use managed services instead of building a completely new model. How should you build the classifier?


Use an established text classification model on Al Platform to perform transfer learning Explanation the model cannot work as-is as the classes to predict will likely not be the same; we need to use transfer learning to retrain the last layer and adapt it to the classes we need

Question 6.

You work for a gaming company that has millions of customers around the world. All games offer a chat feature that allows players to communicate with each other in real time. Messages can be typed in more than 20 languages and are translated in real time using the Cloud Translation API. You have been asked to build an ML system to moderate the chat in real time while assuring that the performance is uniform across the various languages and without changing the serving infrastructure.


Remove moderation for languages for which the false positive rate is too high.

Question 7.

You work for a company that is developing a new video streaming platform. You have been asked to create a recommendation system that will suggest the next video for a user to watch. After a review by an AI Ethics team, you are approved to start development. Each video asset in your company’s catalog has useful metadata (e.g., content type, release date, country), but you do not have any historical user event data. How should you build the recommendation system for the first version of the product?


Launch the product with machine learning. Use a publicly available dataset such as MovieLens to train a model using the Recommendations AI, and then apply this trained model to your data.

Question 8

You are developing an ML model to predict house prices. While preparing the data, you discover that an important predictor variable, distance from the closest school, is often missing and does not have high variance. Every instance (row) in your data is important. How should you handle the missing data?

Predict the missing values using linear regression.

Question 9.

You built a custom ML model using scikit-learn. Training time is taking longer than expected. You decide to migrate your model to Vertex AI Training, and you want to improve the model’s training time. What should you try out first?


Train your model with DLVM images on Vertex AI, and ensure that your code utilizes NumPy and SciPy internal methods whenever possible

Question 10.

You manage a team of data scientists who use a cloud-based backend system to submit training jobs. This system has become very difficult to administer, and you want to use a managed service instead. The data scientists you work with use many different frameworks, including Keras, PyTorch, theano, scikit-learn, and custom libraries. What should you do?


Set up Slurm workload manager to receive jobs that can be scheduled to run on your cloud infrastructure.

Question 11.

You lead a data science team at a large international corporation. Most of the models your team trains are large-scale models using high-level TensorFlow APIs on AI Platform with GPUs. Your team usually takes a few weeks or months to iterate on a new version of a model. You were recently asked to review your team’s spending. How should you reduce your Google Cloud compute costs without impacting the model’s performance?


Migrate to training with Kuberflow on Google Kubernetes Engine, and use preemptible VMs without checkpoints.

Question 12.

You work for a magazine distributor and need to build a model that predicts which customers will renew their subscriptions for the upcoming year. Using your company’s historical data as your training set, you created a TensorFlow model and deployed it to AI Platform. You need to determine which customer attribute has the most predictive power for each prediction served by the model. What should you do?


Use the What-If tool in Google Cloud to determine how your model will perform when individual features are excluded. Rank the feature importance in order of those that caused the most significant performance drop when removed from the model

Question 13.

You work for an advertising company and want to understand the effectiveness of your company’s latest advertising campaign. You have streamed 500 MB of campaign data into BigQuery. You want to query the table, and then manipulate the results of that query with a pandas dataframe in an Al Platform notebook. What should you do?


Use Al Platform Notebooks’ BigQuery cell magic to query the data, and ingest the results as a pandas dataframe

Explanation Refer to this link for details: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/bigquery-storage-python-pandas First 2 points talks about querying the data. Download query results to a pandas DataFrame by using the BigQuery Storage API from the IPython magics for BigQuery in a Jupyter notebook. Download query results to a pandas DataFrame by using the BigQuery client library for Python. Download BigQuery table data to a pandas DataFrame by using the BigQuery client library for Python. Download BigQuery table data to a pandas DataFrame by using the BigQuery Storage API client library for Python.

Question 14.

You work for a gaming company that manages a popular online multiplayer game where teams with 6 players play against each other in 5-minute battles. There are many new players every day. You need to build a model that automatically assigns available players to teams in real time. User research indicates that the game is more enjoyable when battles have players with similar skill levels. Which business metrics should you track to measure your model’s performance?


User engagement as measured by the number of battles played daily per user

Question 15.

You developed an ML model with Al Platform, and you want to move it to production. You serve a few thousand queries per second and are experiencing latency issues. Incoming requests are served by a load balancer that distributes them across multiple Kubeflow CPU-only pods running on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Your goal is to improve the serving latency without changing the underlying infrastructure. What should you do?


Recompile TensorFlow Serving using the source to support CPU-specific optimizations Instruct GKE to choose an appropriate baseline minimum CPU platform for serving nodes

Question 16.

Your team needs to build a model that predicts whether images contain a driver’s license, passport, or credit card. The data engineering team already built the pipeline and generated a dataset composed of 10,000 images with driver’s licenses, 1,000 images with passports, and 1,000 images with credit cards. You now have to train a model with the following label map: [‘driversjicense’, ‘passport’, ‘credit_card’]. Which loss function should you use?


Categorical cross-entropy Explanation

  • Categorical entropy is better to use when you want to prevent the model from giving more importance to a certain class. Or if the classes are very unbalanced you will get a better result by using Categorical entropy.
  • But Sparse Categorical Entropy is a more optimal coice if you have a huge amount of classes, enough to make a lot of memory usage, so since sparse categorical entropy uses less columns it uses less memory.

Question 17.

Your organization wants to make its internal shuttle service route more efficient. The shuttles currently stop at all pick-up points across the city every 30 minutes between 7 am and 10 am. The development team has already built an application on Google Kubernetes Engine that requires users to confirm their presence and shuttle station one day in advance. What approach should you take?


Define the optimal route as the shortest route that passes by all shuttle stations with confirmed attendance at the given time under capacity constraints. 2 Dispatch an appropriately sized shuttle and indicate the required stops on the map Explanation This is a case where machine learning would be terrible, as it would not be 100% accurate and some passengers would not get picked up. A simple algorith works better here, and the question confirms customers will be indicating when they are at the stop so no ML required.

Question 18.

You have a demand forecasting pipeline in production that uses Dataflow to preprocess raw data prior to model training and prediction. During preprocessing, you employ Z-score normalization on data stored in BigQuery and write it back to BigQuery. New training data is added every week. You want to make the process more efficient by minimizing computation time and manual intervention. What should you do?

Translate the normalization algorithm into SQL for use with BigQuery

Question 20.

You work for a public transportation company and need to build a model to estimate delay times for multiple transportation routes. Predictions are served directly to users in an app in real time. Because different seasons and population increases impact the data relevance, you will retrain the model every month. You want to follow Google-recommended best practices. How should you configure the end-to-end architecture of the predictive model?


Configure Kubeflow Pipelines to schedule your multi-step workflow from training to deploying your model.

Question 21.

You deployed an ML model into production a year ago. Every month, you collect all raw requests that were sent to your model prediction service during the previous month. You send a subset of these requests to a human labeling service to evaluate your model’s performance. After a year, you notice that your model’s performance sometimes degrades significantly after a month, while other times it takes several months to notice any decrease in performance. The labeling service is costly, but you also need to avoid large performance degradations. You want to determine how often you should retrain your model to maintain a high level of performance while minimizing cost. What should you do?


Train an anomaly detection model on the training dataset, and run all incoming requests through this model. If an anomaly is detected, send the most recent serving data to the labeling service.

Question 22.

You have deployed multiple versions of an image classification model on Al Platform. You want to monitor the performance of the model versions overtime. How should you perform this comparison?


Compare the mean average precision across the models using the Continuous Evaluation feature

Question 23.

You work on a data science team at a bank and are creating an ML model to predict loan default risk. You have collected and cleaned hundreds of millions of records worth of training data in a BigQuery table, and you now want to develop and compare multiple models on this data using TensorFlow and Vertex AI. You want to minimize any bottlenecks during the data ingestion state while considering scalability. What should you do?


Export data to CSV files in Cloud Storage, and use tf.data.TextLineDataset() to read them.

Question 24.

You are an ML engineer responsible for designing and implementing training pipelines for ML models. You need to create an end-to-end training pipeline for a TensorFlow model. The TensorFlow model will be trained on several terabytes of structured data. You need the pipeline to include data quality checks before training and model quality checks after training but prior to deployment. You want to minimize development time and the need for infrastructure maintenance. How should you build and orchestrate your training pipeline?


Create the pipeline using TensorFlow Extended (TFX) and standard TFX components. Orchestrate the pipeline using Vertex AI Pipelines.

Question 25.

You work for a toy manufacturer that has been experiencing a large increase in demand. You need to build an ML model to reduce the amount of time spent by quality control inspectors checking for product defects. Faster defect detection is a priority. The factory does not have reliable Wi-Fi. Your company wants to implement the new ML model as soon as possible. Which model should you use?


AutoML Vision model

Question 26.

You are creating a deep neural network classification model using a dataset with categorical input values. Certain columns have a cardinality greater than 10,000 unique values. How should you encode these categorical values as input into the model?


Map the categorical variables into a vector of boolean values.

Question 27.

You have successfully deployed to production a large and complex TensorFlow model trained on tabular data. You want to predict the lifetime value (LTV) field for each subscription stored in the BigQuery table named subscription. subscriptionPurchase in the project named my-fortune500-company-project. You have organized all your training code, from preprocessing data from the BigQuery table up to deploying the validated model to the Vertex AI endpoint, into a TensorFlow Extended (TFX) pipeline. You want to prevent prediction drift, i.e., a situation when a feature data distribution in production changes significantly over time. What should you do?


Add a model monitoring job where 90% of incoming predictions are sampled 24 hours.

Question 28.

Your team is building a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based architecture from scratch. The preliminary experiments running on your on-premises CPU-only infrastructure were encouraging, but have slow convergence. You have been asked to speed up model training to reduce time-to-market. You want to experiment with virtual machines (VMs) on Google Cloud to leverage more powerful hardware. Your code does not include any manual device placement and has not been wrapped in Estimator model-level abstraction. Which environment should you train your model on?


A Deep Learning VM with an n1-standard-2 machine and 1 GPU with all libraries pre-installed.

Explanation “speed up model training” will make us biased towards GPU,TPU options by options eliminations we may need to stay away of any manual installations , so using preconfigered deep learning will speed up time to market

Question 29.

You are an ML engineer at a travel company. You have been researching customers’ travel behavior for many years, and you have deployed models that predict customers’ vacation patterns. You have observed that customers’ vacation destinations vary based on seasonality and holidays; however, these seasonal variations are similar across years. You want to quickly and easily store and compare the model versions and performance statistics across years. What should you do?


Create versions of your models for each season per year in Vertex AI. Compare the performance statistics across the models in the Evaluate tab of the Vertex AI UI.

Question 30.

You are an ML engineer on an agricultural research team working on a crop disease detection tool to detect leaf rust spots in images of crops to determine the presence of a disease. These spots, which can vary in shape and size, are correlated to the severity of the disease. You want to develop a solution that predicts the presence and severity of the disease with high accuracy. What should you do?

Develop an image segmentation ML model to locate the boundaries of the rust spots.

Part 2

GCP Machine Learning Practice Questions Part 2.


Question 31.

You have recently created a proof-of-concept (POC) deep learning model. You are satisfied with the overall architecture, but you need to determine the value for a couple of hyperparameters. You want to perform hyperparameter tuning on Vertex AI to determine both the appropriate embedding dimension for a categorical feature used by your model and the optimal learning rate. You configure the following settings: For the embedding dimension, you set the type to INTEGER with a minValue of 16 and maxValue of 64. For the learning rate, you set the type to DOUBLE with a minValue of 10e-05 and maxValue of 10e-02. You are using the default Bayesian optimization tuning algorithm, and you want to maximize model accuracy. Training time is not a concern. How should you set the hyperparameter scaling for each hyperparameter and the maxParallelTrials?

Use UNIT_LINEAR_SCALE for the embedding dimension, UNIT_LOG_SCALE for the learning rate, and a small number of parallel trials.

Question 32.

You have trained a model on a dataset that required computationally expensive preprocessing operations. You need to execute the same preprocessing at prediction time. You deployed the model on Al Platform for high-throughput online prediction. Which architecture should you use?


• Send incoming prediction requests to a Pub/Sub topic • Transform the incoming data using a Dataflow job • Submit a prediction request to Al Platform using the transformed data • Write the predictions to an outbound Pub/Sub queue

Question 33.

You work for a large hotel chain and have been asked to assist the marketing team in gathering predictions for a targeted marketing strategy. You need to make predictions about user lifetime value (LTV) over the next 30 days so that marketing can be adjusted accordingly. The customer dataset is in BigQuery, and you are preparing the tabular data for training with AutoML Tables. This data has a time signal that is spread across multiple columns. How should you ensure that AutoML fits the best model to your data?


Submit the data for training without performing any manual transformations Use the columns that have a time signal to manually split your data Ensure that the data in your validation set is from 30 days after the data in your training set and that the data in your testing set is from 30 days after your validation set

Question 34.

Your organization’s call center has asked you to develop a model that analyzes customer sentiments in each call. The call center receives over one million calls daily, and data is stored in Cloud Storage. The data collected must not leave the region in which the call originated, and no Personally Identifiable Information (Pll) can be stored or analyzed. The data science team has a third-party tool for visualization and access which requires a SQL ANSI-2011 compliant interface. You need to select components for data processing and for analytics. How should the data pipeline be designed?


1 = Dataflow, 2 = BigQuery

Question 35.

You have been given a dataset with sales predictions based on your company’s marketing activities. The data is structured and stored in BigQuery, and has been carefully managed by a team of data analysts. You need to prepare a report providing insights into the predictive capabilities of the data. You were asked to run several ML models with different levels of sophistication, including simple models and multilayered neural networks. You only have a few hours to gather the results of your experiments. Which Google Cloud tools should you use to complete this task in the most efficient and self-serviced way?


Use BigQuery ML to run several regression models, and analyze their performance.

Question 36.

You are building a TensorFlow model for a financial institution that predicts the impact of consumer spending on inflation globally. Due to the size and nature of the data, your model is long-running across all types of hardware, and you have built frequent checkpointing into the training process. Your organization has asked you to minimize cost. What hardware should you choose?


A Vertex AI Workbench user-managed notebooks instance running on an n1-standard-16 with an NVIDIA P100 GPU

Question 37.

You recently developed a deep learning model using Keras, and now you are experimenting with different training strategies. First, you trained the model using a single GPU, but the training process was too slow. Next, you distributed the training across 4 GPUs using tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy (with no other changes), but you did not observe a decrease in training time. What should you do?


Use a TPU with tf.distribute.TPUStrategy

Question 38.

You are an ML engineer at a large grocery retailer with stores in multiple regions. You have been asked to create an inventory prediction model. Your models features include region, location, historical demand, and seasonal popularity. You want the algorithm to learn from new inventory data on a daily basis. Which algorithms should you use to build the model?


Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) Explanation “algorithm to learn from new inventory data on a daily basis” = time series model , best option to deal with time series is forsure RNN

Question 39.

You work for an online travel agency that also sells advertising placements on its website to other companies. You have been asked to predict the most relevant web banner that a user should see next. Security is important to your company. The model latency requirements are 300ms@p99, the inventory is thousands of web banners, and your exploratory analysis has shown that navigation context is a good predictor. You want to Implement the simplest solution. How should you configure the prediction pipeline?


Embed the client on the website, deploy the gateway on App Engine, deploy the database on Cloud Bigtable for writing and for reading the user’s navigation context, and then deploy the model on AI Platform Prediction.

Question 40.

You need to analyze user activity data from your company’s mobile applications. Your team will use BigQuery for data analysis, transformation, and experimentation with ML algorithms. You need to ensure real-time ingestion of the user activity data into BigQuery. What should you do?


Configure Pub/Sub to stream the data into BigQuery

Question 41.

You recently designed and built a custom neural network that uses critical dependencies specific to your organization’s framework. You need to train the model using a managed training service on Google Cloud. However, the ML framework and related dependencies are not supported by Al Platform Training. Also, both your model and your data are too large to fit in memory on a single machine. Your ML framework of choice uses the scheduler, workers, and servers distribution structure. What should you do?


Build your custom containers to run distributed training jobs on Al Platform Training

Explanation “ML framework and related dependencies are not supported by Al Platform Training” use custom containers “your model and your data are too large to fit in memory on a single machine “ use distributed learning techniques

Question 42.

You have trained a deep neural network model on Google Cloud. The model has low loss on the training data, but is performing worse on the validation data. You want the model to be resilient to overfitting. Which strategy should you use when retraining the model?


Run a hyperparameter tuning job on Al Platform to optimize for the L2 regularization and dropout parameters

Question 43.

As the lead ML Engineer for your company, you are responsible for building ML models to digitize scanned customer forms. You have developed a TensorFlow model that converts the scanned images into text and stores them in Cloud Storage. You need to use your ML model on the aggregated data collected at the end of each day with minimal manual intervention. What should you do?


Use the batch prediction functionality of Al Platform

Question 44.


You have a functioning end-to-end ML pipeline that involves tuning the hyperparameters of your ML model using Al Platform, and then using the best-tuned parameters for training. Hypertuning is taking longer than expected and is delaying the downstream processes. You want to speed up the tuning job without significantly compromising its effectiveness. Which actions should you take? Set the early stopping parameter to TRUE Decrease the maximum number of trials during subsequent training phases

Question 45.

You manage a team of data scientists who use a cloud-based backend system to submit training jobs. This system has become very difficult to administer, and you want to use a managed service instead. The data scientists you work with use many different frameworks, including Keras, PyTorch, theano. Scikit-team, and custom libraries. What should you do?


Use the Al Platform custom containers feature to receive training jobs using any framework

Explanation because AI platform supported all the frameworks mentioned. And Kubeflow is not managed service in GCP. Use the ML framework of your choice. If you can’t find an AI Platform Training runtime version that supports the ML framework you want to use, then you can build a custom container that installs your chosen framework and use it to run jobs on AI Platform Training.

Question 46.

You have built a model that is trained on data stored in Parquet files. You access the data through a Hive table hosted on Google Cloud. You preprocessed these data with PySpark and exported it as a CSV file into Cloud Storage. After preprocessing, you execute additional steps to train and evaluate your model. You want to parametrize this model training in Kubeflow Pipelines. What should you do?


Deploy Apache Spark at a separate node pool in a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. Add a ContainerOp to your pipeline that invokes a corresponding transformation job for this Spark instance.

Question 47.

You built and manage a production system that is responsible for predicting sales numbers. Model accuracy is crucial, because the production model is required to keep up with market changes. Since being deployed to production, the model hasn’t changed; however the accuracy of the model has steadily deteriorated. What issue is most likely causing the steady decline in model accuracy?


Lack of model retraining

Explanation Retraining is needed as the market is changing. its how the Model keep updated and predictions accuracy.

Question 48.

You recently joined a machine learning team that will soon release a new project. As a lead on the project, you are asked to determine the production readiness of the ML components. The team has already tested features and data, model development, and infrastructure. Which additional readiness check should you recommend to the team?


Ensure that training is reproducible

Question 49.

Your data science team needs to rapidly experiment with various features, model architectures, and hyperparameters. They need to track the accuracy metrics for various experiments and use an API to query the metrics over time. What should they use to track and report their experiments while minimizing manual effort?


Use Kubeflow Pipelines to execute the experiments Export the metrics file, and query the results using the Kubeflow Pipelines API.

Explanation https:Kubeflow Pipelines (KFP) helps solve these issues by providing a way to deploy robust, repeatable machine learning pipelines along with monitoring, auditing, version tracking, and reproducibility. Cloud AI Pipelines makes it easy to set up a KFP installation.

“Kubeflow Pipelines supports the export of scalar metrics. You can write a list of metrics to a local file to describe the performance of the model. The pipeline agent uploads the local file as your run-time metrics. You can view the uploaded metrics as a visualization in the Runs page for a particular experiment in the Kubeflow Pipelines UI.” https://www.kubeflow.org/docs/components/pipelines/sdk/pipelines-metrics/

Question 50.

You work for a large technology company that wants to modernize their contact center. You have been asked to develop a solution to classify incoming calls by product so that requests can be more quickly routed to the correct support team. You have already transcribed the calls using the Speech-to-Text API. You want to minimize data preprocessing and development time. How should you build the model?

Use AutoML Natural Language to extract custom entities for classification

Question 51.

You are working on a system log anomaly detection model for a cybersecurity organization. You have developed the model using TensorFlow, and you plan to use it for real-time prediction. You need to create a Dataflow pipeline to ingest data via Pub/Sub and write the results to BigQuery. You want to minimize the serving latency as much as possible. What should you do?

Deploy the model to a Vertex AI endpoint, and invoke this endpoint in the Dataflow job.

You have been asked to build a model using a dataset that is stored in a medium-sized (~10 GB) BigQuery table. You need to quickly determine whether this data is suitable for model development. You want to create a one-time report that includes both informative visualizations of data distributions and more sophisticated statistical analyses to share with other ML engineers on your team. You require maximum flexibility to create your report. What should you do?


Use the output from TensorFlow Data Validation on Dataflow to generate the report.

Question 53.

You need to execute a batch prediction on 100 million records in a BigQuery table with a custom TensorFlow DNN regressor model, and then store the predicted results in a BigQuery table. You want to minimize the effort required to build this inference pipeline. What should you do?

Import the TensorFlow model with BigQuery ML, and run the ml.predict function.

Question 54.

You are developing models to classify customer support emails. You created models with TensorFlow Estimators using small datasets on your on-premises system, but you now need to train the models using large datasets to ensure high performance. You will port your models to Google Cloud and want to minimize code refactoring and infrastructure overhead for easier migration from on-prem to cloud. What should you do?


Use Al Platform for distributed training

Explanation AI platform also contains kubeflow pipelines. you don’t need to set up infrastructure to use it. For D you need to set up a kubernetes cluster engine. The question asks us to minimize infrastructure overheard.

Question 55.

You are building a linear regression model on BigQuery ML to predict a customer’s likelihood of purchasing your company’s products. Your model uses a city name variable as a key predictive component. In order to train and serve the model, your data must be organized in columns. You want to prepare your data using the least amount of coding while maintaining the predictable variables. What should you do?


Use Cloud Data Fusion to assign each city to a region labeled as 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5r and then use that number to represent the city in the model.

Question 57

You are building an ML model to predict trends in the stock market based on a wide range of factors. While exploring the data, you notice that some features have a large range. You want to ensure that the features with the largest magnitude don’t overfit the model. What should you do?

Normalize the data by scaling it to have values between 0 and 1.

Question 58.

You work for an online publisher that delivers news articles to over 50 million readers. You have built an AI model that recommends content for the company’s weekly newsletter. A recommendation is considered successful if the article is opened within two days of the newsletter’s published date and the user remains on the page for at least one minute. All the information needed to compute the success metric is available in BigQuery and is updated hourly. The model is trained on eight weeks of data, on average its performance degrades below the acceptable baseline after five weeks, and training time is 12 hours. You want to ensure that the model’s performance is above the acceptable baseline while minimizing cost. How should you monitor the model to determine when retraining is necessary?


Schedule a daily Dataflow job in Cloud Composer to compute the success metric.

Question 59.

You are an ML engineer at a manufacturing company. You need to build a model that identifies defects in products based on images of the product taken at the end of the assembly line. You want your model to preprocess the images with lower computation to quickly extract features of defects in products. Which approach should you use to build the model?


Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

Question 60.

You need to train a computer vision model that predicts the type of government ID present in a given image using a GPU-powered virtual machine on Compute Engine. You use the following parameters: • Optimizer: SGD • Image shape = 224x224 • Batch size = 64 • Epochs = 10 • Verbose = 2 During training you encounter the following error: ResourceExhaustedError: out of Memory (oom) when allocating tensor. What should you do?


Reduce the batch size

You need to train a regression model based on a dataset containing 50,000 records that is stored in BigQuery. The data includes a total of 20 categorical and numerical features with a target variable that can include negative values. You need to minimize effort and training time while maximizing model performance. What approach should you take to train this regression model?

Use BQML XGBoost regression to train the model

Part 3

GCP Machine Learning Practice Questions Part 3.


Question 61.

You need to train a regression model based on a dataset containing 50,000 records that is stored in BigQuery. The data includes a total of 20 categorical and numerical features with a target variable that can include negative values. You need to minimize effort and training time while maximizing model performance. What approach should you take to train this regression model?


Use BQML XGBoost regression to train the model

Question 62.

You were asked to investigate failures of a production line component based on sensor readings. After receiving the dataset, you discover that less than 1% of the readings are positive examples representing failure incidents. You have tried to train several classification models, but none of them converge. How should you resolve the class imbalance problem?


Downsample the data with upweighting to create a sample with 10% positive examples

Question 63.

You recently joined an enterprise-scale company that has thousands of datasets. You know that there are accurate descriptions for each table in BigQuery, and you are searching for the proper BigQuery table to use for a model you are building on AI Platform. How should you find the data that you need? Use Data Catalog to search the BigQuery datasets by using keywords in the table description.

Question 64.


Your task is classify if a company logo is present on an image. You found out that 96% of a data does not include a logo. You are dealing with data imbalance problem. Which metric do you use to evaluate to model? F Score with higher recall weighted than precision

Question 65.

You want to rebuild your ML pipeline for structured data on Google Cloud. You are using PySpark to conduct data transformations at scale, but your pipelines are taking over 12 hours to run. To speed up development and pipeline run time, you want to use a serverless tool and SQL syntax. You have already moved your raw data into Cloud Storage. How should you build the pipeline on Google Cloud while meeting the speed and processing requirements?


Ingest your data into BigQuery using BigQuery Load, convert your PySpark commands into BigQuery SQL queries to transform the data, and then write the transformations to a new table

Question 67.

While performing exploratory data analysis on a dataset, you find that an important categorical feature has 5% null values. You want to minimize the bias that could result from the missing values. How should you handle the missing values?


Replace the missing values with the feature’s mean

Question 68.

You are designing an architecture with a serverless ML system to enrich customer support tickets with informative metadata before they are routed to a support agent. You need a set of models to predict ticket priority, predict ticket resolution time, and perform sentiment analysis to help agents make strategic decisions when they process support requests.


1 = Al Platform, 2 = Al Platform, 3 = Cloud Natural Language API

Question 69.

-The Cloud Function calls 3 different endpoints to enrich the ticket: -An AI Platform endpoint, where the function can predict the priority. -An AI Platform endpoint, where the function can predict the resolution time. -The Natural Language API to do sentiment analysis and word salience. -For each reply, the Cloud Function updates the Firebase real-time database. -The Cloud Function then creates a ticket into the helpdesk platform using the RESTful API


Use Vertex AI Workbench user-managed notebooks to build a custom model that has three times as many examples of pictures that meet the profile photo requirements

Question 70.

Your data science team has requested a system that supports scheduled model retraining, Docker containers, and a service that supports autoscaling and monitoring for online prediction requests. Which platform components should you choose for this system?


Kubeflow Pipelines and Al Platform Prediction

Question 71.

You work on the data science team for a multinational beverage company. You need to develop an ML model to predict the company’s profitability for a new line of naturally flavored bottled waters in different locations. You are provided with historical data that includes product types, product sales volumes, expenses, and profits for all regions. What should you use as the input and output for your model?


Use product type and the feature cross of latitude with longitude, followed by binning, as features. Use profit as model output

Question 72.

You are developing an ML model intended to classify whether X-Ray images indicate bone fracture risk. You have trained on Api Resnet architecture on Vertex AI using a TPU as an accelerator, however you are unsatisfied with the trainning time and use memory usage. You want to quickly iterate your training code but make minimal changes to the code. You also want to minimize impact on the models accuracy. What should you do?


Reduce the global batch size from 1024 to 256

Question 73.

One of your models is trained using data provided by a third-party data broker. The data broker does not reliably notify you of formatting changes in the data. You want to make your model training pipeline more robust to issues like this. What should you do?


Use TensorFlow Transform to create a preprocessing component that will normalize data to the expected distribution, and replace values that don’t match the schema with 0.

Question 74.

You are training an object detection machine learning model on a dataset that consists of three million X-ray images, each roughly 2 GB in size. You are using Vertex AI Training to run a custom training application on a Compute Engine instance with 32-cores, 128 GB of RAM, and 1 NVIDIA P100 GPU. You notice that model training is taking a very long time. You want to decrease training time without sacrificing model performance. What should you do?


Enable early stopping in your Vertex AI Training job.

Question 75.

You work at a subscription-based company. You have trained an ensemble of trees and neural networks to predict customer churn, which is the likelihood that customers will not renew their yearly subscription. The average prediction is a 15% churn rate, but for a particular customer the model predicts that they are 70% likely to churn. The customer has a product usage history of 30%, is located in New York City, and became a customer in 1997. You need to explain the difference between the actual prediction, a 70% churn rate, and the average prediction. You want to use Vertex Explainable AI. What should you do?


Train local surrogate models to explain individual predictions.

Note :76.

Google may optimize the configuration of the scale tiers for different jobs over time, based on customer feedback and the availability of cloud resources. Each scale tier is defined in terms of its suitability for certain types of jobs. Generally, the more advanced the tier, the more machines are allocated to the cluster, and the more powerful the specifications of each virtual machine. As you increase the complexity of the scale tier, the hourly cost of training jobs, measured in training units, also increases. See the pricing page to calculate the cost of your job.

Question 77.

You have trained a text classification model in TensorFlow using Al Platform. You want to use the trained model for batch predictions on text data stored in BigQuery while minimizing computational overhead. What should you do? Export the model to BigQuery ML.

Question 78.

You work for a global footwear retailer and need to predict when an item will be out of stock based on historical inventory data. Customer behavior is highly dynamic since footwear demand is influenced by many different factors. You want to serve models that are trained on all available data, but track your performance on specific subsets of data before pushing to production. What is the most streamlined and reliable way to perform this validation?


Use the TFX ModelValidator tools to specify performance metrics for production readiness

Question 79.

You work for a credit card company and have been asked to create a custom fraud detection model based on historical data using AutoML Tables. You need to prioritize detection of fraudulent transactions while minimizing false positives. Which optimization objective should you use when training the model?


An optimization objective that maximizes the area under the precision-recall curve (AUC PR) value

Question 80.

You are building a real-time prediction engine that streams files which may contain Personally Identifiable Information (Pll) to Google Cloud. You want to use the Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) API to scan the files. How should you ensure that the Pll is not accessible by unauthorized individuals?


Stream all files to Google CloudT and then write the data to BigQuery Periodically conduct a bulk scan of the table using the DLP API.

Question 81.

Periodically conduct a bulk scan of that bucket using the DLP API, and move the data to either the Sensitive or Non-Sensitive bucket


  1. Export your data to Cloud Storage using Dataflow.
  2. Submit a Vertex AI batch prediction job that uses your trained model in Cloud Storage to perform scoring on the preprocessed data.
  3. Export the batch prediction job outputs from Cloud Storage and import them into Cloud SQL.

Question 82.

You are profiling the performance of your TensorFlow model training time and notice a performance issue caused by inefficiencies in the input data pipeline for a single 5 terabyte CSV file dataset on Cloud Storage. You need to optimize the input pipeline performance. Which action should you try first to increase the efficiency of your pipeline?


Set the reshuffle_each_iteration parameter to true in the tf.data.Dataset.shuffle method.

Question 83.

You work for a social media company. You need to detect whether posted images contain cars. Each training example is a member of exactly one class. You have trained an object detection neural network and deployed the model version to Al Platform Prediction for evaluation. Before deployment, you created an evaluation job and attached it to the Al Platform Prediction model version. You notice that the precision is lower than your business requirements allow. How should you adjust the model’s final layer softmax threshold to increase precision?


Decrease the number of false negatives

Question 84.

You are training a TensorFlow model on a structured data set with 100 billion records stored in several CSV files. You need to improve the input/output execution performance. What should you do?


Convert the CSV files into shards of TFRecords, and store the data in Cloud Storage

Question 85.

You are building a linear model with over 100 input features, all with values between -1 and 1. You suspect that many features are non-informative. You want to remove the non-informative features from your model while keeping the informative ones in their original form. Which technique should you use?


Use L1 regularization to reduce the coefficients of uninformative features to 0.

Question 86.

You are an ML engineer in the contact center of a large enterprise. You need to build a sentiment analysis tool that predicts customer sentiment from recorded phone conversations. You need to identify the best approach to building a model while ensuring that the gender, age, and cultural differences of the customers who called the contact center do not impact any stage of the model development pipeline and results. What should you do?


Convert the speech to text and extract sentiments based on the sentences

Question 87.

You have deployed a model on Vertex AI for real-time inference. During an online prediction request, you get an “Out of Memory” error. What should you do?


Use base64 to encode your data before using it for prediction.

Question 88.

You are building an ML model to detect anomalies in real-time sensor data. You will use Pub/Sub to handle incoming requests. You want to store the results for analytics and visualization. How should you configure the pipeline?


1 = Dataflow, 2 - Al Platform, 3 = BigQuery

Question 89.

You work as an ML engineer at a social media company, and you are developing a visual filter for users’ profile photos. This requires you to train an ML model to detect bounding boxes around human faces. You want to use this filter in your company’s iOS-based mobile phone application. You want to minimize code development and want the model to be optimized for inference on mobile phones. What should you do?


Train a model using AutoML Vision and use the “export for Core ML” option.

Question 90.

You work on an operations team at an international company that manages a large fleet of on-premises servers located in few data centers around the world. Your team collects monitoring data from the servers, including CPU/memory consumption. When an incident occurs on a server, your team is responsible for fixing it. Incident data has not been properly labeled yet. Your management team wants you to build a predictive maintenance solution that uses monitoring data from the VMs to detect potential failures and then alerts the service desk team. What should you do first?


Hire a team of qualified analysts to review and label the machines’ historical performance data. Train a model based on this manually labeled dataset.

Part 4

GCP Machine Learning Practice Questions Part 4.


Question 91.

You need to quickly build and train a model to predict the sentiment of customer reviews with custom categories without writing code. You do not have enough data to train a model from scratch. The resulting model should have high predictive performance. Which service should you use?


AutoML Natural Language

Note :92.

Your team is working on an NLP research project to predict political affiliation of authors based on articles they have written. If we just put inside the Training set , Validation set and Test set , randomly Text, Paragraph or sentences the model will have the ability to learn specific qualities about The Author’s use of language beyond just his own articles. Therefore the model will mixed up different opinions. Rather if we divided things up a the author level, so that given authors were only on the training data, or only in the test data or only in the validation data. The model will find more difficult to get a high accuracy on the test validation (What is correct and have more sense!). Because it will need to really focus in author by author articles rather than get a single political affiliation based on a bunch of mixed articles from different authors.

Question 93.

You have developed a logistic regression model with BigQuery ML that predicts whether offering a promo code for free popcorn increases the chance of a ticket purchase, and this prediction should be added to the ticket purchase process. You want to identify the simplest way to deploy this model to production while adding minimal latency. What should you do?


Run batch inference with BigQuery ML every five minutes on each new set of tickets issued

Question 94.

You work for the AI team of an automobile company, and you are developing a visual defect detection model using TensorFlow and Keras. To improve your model performance, you want to incorporate some image augmentation functions such as translation, cropping, and contrast tweaking. You randomly apply these functions to each training batch. You want to optimize your data processing pipeline for run time and compute resources utilization. What should you do?


Use Dataflow to create all possible augmentations, and store them as TFRecords.

Question 95.

You work for a magazine publisher and have been tasked with predicting whether customers will cancel their annual subscription. In your exploratory data analysis, you find that 90% of individuals renew their subscription every year, and only 10% of individuals cancel their subscription. After training a NN Classifier, your model predicts those who cancel their subscription with 99% accuracy and predicts those who renew their subscription with 82% accuracy. How should you interpret these results?

This is a good result because predicting those who cancel their subscription is more difficult, since there is less data for this group.

Question 96.

You need to build classification workflows over several structured datasets currently stored in BigQuery. Because you will be performing the classification several times, you want to complete the following steps without writing code: exploratory data analysis, feature selection, model building, training, and hyperparameter tuning and serving. What should you do?


Configure AutoML Tables to perform the classification task

Question 97.

You work for a retailer that sells clothes to customers around the world. You have been tasked with ensuring that ML models are built in a secure manner. Specifically, you need to protect sensitive customer data that might be used in the models. You have identified four fields containing sensitive data that are being used by your data science team: AGE, IS_EXISTING_CUSTOMER, LATITUDE_LONGITUDE, and SHIRT_SIZE. What should you do with the data before it is made available to the data science team for training purposes?


Tokenize all of the fields using hashed dummy values to replace the real values.

Question 98.

You work for a bank and are building a random forest model for fraud detection. You have a dataset that includes transactions, of which 1% are identified as fraudulent. Which data transformation strategy would likely improve the performance of your classifier?


Oversample the fraudulent transaction 10 times.

Question 99.

You work for a company that provides an anti-spam service that flags and hides spam posts on social media platforms. Your company currently uses a list of 200,000 keywords to identify suspected spam posts. If a post contains more than a few of these keywords, the post is identified as spam. You want to start using machine learning to flag spam posts for human review. What is the main advantage of implementing machine learning for this business case?


Posts can be compared to the keyword list much more quickly.

Question 100.

You are a data scientist at an industrial equipment manufacturing company. You are developing a regression model to estimate the power consumption in the company’s manufacturing plants based on sensor data collected from all of the plants. The sensors collect tens of millions of records every day. You need to schedule daily training runs for your model that use all the data collected up to the current date. You want your model to scale smoothly and require minimal development work. What should you do?


Train a regression model using AutoML Tables.

Question 101.

You work on a growing team of more than 50 data scientists who all use Al Platform. You are designing a strategy to organize your jobs, models, and versions in a clean and scalable way. Which strategy should you choose?


Use labels to organize resources into descriptive categories. Apply a label to each created resource so that users can filter the results by label when viewing or monitoring the resources

Question 102.

You need to train a natural language model to perform text classification on product descriptions that contain millions of examples and 100,000 unique words. You want to preprocess the words individually so that they can be fed into a recurrent neural network. What should you do?


Identify word embeddings from a pre-trained model, and use the embeddings in your model.

Question 103.

You have a large corpus of written support cases that can be classified into 3 separate categories: Technical Support, Billing Support, or Other Issues. You need to quickly build, test, and deploy a service that will automatically classify future written requests into one of the categories. How should you configure the pipeline? Use AutoML Natural Language to build and test a classifier. Deploy the model as a REST API.


Question 104.

You are training a Resnet model on Al Platform using TPUs to visually categorize types of defects in automobile engines. You capture the training profile using the Cloud TPU profiler plugin and observe that it is highly input-bound. You want to reduce the bottleneck and speed up your model training process. Which modifications should you make to the tf .data dataset? Choose 2 ### Answers Set the prefetch option equal to the training batch size Decrease the batch size argument in your transformation


Question 105.

Your team is building an application for a global bank that will be used by millions of customers. You built a forecasting model that predicts customers1 account balances 3 days in the future. Your team will use the results in a new feature that will notify users when their account balance is likely to drop below $25. How should you serve your predictions? 1 Build a notification system on Firebase

  1. Register each user with a user ID on the Firebase Cloud Messaging server, which sends a notification when your model predicts that a user’s account balance will drop below the $25 threshold


    Question 106.

You work for an online retail company that is creating a visual search engine. You have set up an end-to-end ML pipeline on Google Cloud to classify whether an image contains your company’s product. Expecting the release of new products in the near future, you configured a retraining functionality in the pipeline so that new data can be fed into your ML models. You also want to use Al Platform’s continuous evaluation service to ensure that the models have high accuracy on your test data set. What should you do?


Extend your test dataset with images of the newer products when they are introduced to retraining

Question 107.

You are the Director of Data Science at a large company, and your Data Science team has recently begun using the Kubeflow Pipelines SDK to orchestrate their training pipelines. Your team is struggling to integrate their custom Python code into the Kubeflow Pipelines SDK. How should you instruct them to proceed in order to quickly integrate their code with the Kubeflow Pipelines SDK?


Deploy the custom Python code to Cloud Functions, and use Kubeflow Pipelines to trigger the Cloud Function.

Question 108.

You are working on a Neural Network-based project. The dataset provided to you has columns with different ranges. While preparing the data for model training, you discover that gradient optimization is having difficulty moving weights to a good solution. What should you do?


Use the representation transformation (normalization) technique.

Question 109.

Your data science team has requested a system that supports scheduled model retraining, Docker containers, and a service that supports autoscaling and monitoring for online prediction requests. Which platform components should you choose for this system?


Vertex AI Pipelines and App Engine

Question 110.

You are working on a classification problem with time series data and achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC ROC) value of 99% for training data after just a few experiments. You haven’t explored using any sophisticated algorithms or spent any time on hyperparameter tuning. What should your next step be to identify and fix the problem?


Address data leakage by applying nested cross-validation during model training.

Question 111.

You have written unit tests for a Kubeflow Pipeline that require custom libraries. You want to automate the execution of unit tests with each new push to your development branch in Cloud Source Repositories. What should you do?


Using Cloud Build, set an automated trigger to execute the unit tests when changes are pushed to your development branch.

Question 112.

You are an ML engineer at an ecommerce company and have been tasked with building a model that predicts how much inventory the logistics team should order each month. Which approach should you take?


Use a regression model to predict how much additional inventory should be purchased each month. Give the results to the logistics team at the beginning of the month so they can increase inventory by the amount predicted by the model

Question 113.

You are an ML engineer at a mobile gaming company. A data scientist on your team recently trained a TensorFlow model, and you are responsible for deploying this model into a mobile application. You discover that the inference latency of the current model doesn’t meet production requirements. You need to reduce the inference time by 50%, and you are willing to accept a small decrease in model accuracy in order to reach the latency requirement. Without training a new model, which model optimization technique for reducing latency should you try first?


Model distillation

Question 114.

You have been asked to productionize a proof-of-concept ML model built using Keras. The model was trained in a Jupyter notebook on a data scientist’s local machine. The notebook contains a cell that performs data validation and a cell that performs model analysis. You need to orchestrate the steps contained in the notebook and automate the execution of these steps for weekly retraining. You expect much more training data in the future. You want your solution to take advantage of managed services while minimizing cost. What should you do?


Write the code as a TensorFlow Extended (TFX) pipeline orchestrated with Vertex AI Pipelines. Use standard TFX components for data validation and model analysis, and use Vertex AI Pipelines for model retraining.

Question 115.

You are an ML engineer at a bank. You have developed a binary classification model using AutoML Tables to predict whether a customer will make loan payments on time. The output is used to approve or reject loan requests. One customer’s loan request has been rejected by your model, and the bank’s risks department is asking you to provide the reasons that contributed to the model’s decision. What should you do?


Use the feature importance percentages in the model evaluation page.

Question 116.

You are training an object detection model using a Cloud TPU v2. Training time is taking longer than expected. Based on this simplified trace obtained with a Cloud TPU profile, what action should you take to decrease training time in a cost-efficient way?


Move from Cloud TPU v2 to Cloud TPU v3 and increase batch size.

Question 117.

You need to design a customized deep neural network in Keras that will predict customer purchases based on their purchase history. You want to explore model performance using multiple model architectures, store training data, and be able to compare the evaluation metrics in the same dashboard. What should you do?


Create an experiment in Kubeflow Pipelines to organize multiple runs

Question 118.

You work for a gaming company that develops massively multiplayer online (MMO) games. You built a TensorFlow model that predicts whether players will make in-app purchases of more than $10 in the next two weeks. The model’s predictions will be used to adapt each user’s game experience. User data is stored in BigQuery. How should you serve your model while optimizing cost, user experience, and ease of management?


Import the model into BigQuery ML. Make predictions using batch reading data from BigQuery, and push the data to Cloud SQL.

Question 119.

You have been asked to develop an input pipeline for an ML training model that processes images from disparate sources at a low latency. You discover that your input data does not fit in memory. How should you create a dataset following Google-recommended best practices?


Convert the images Into TFRecords, store the images in Cloud Storage, and then use the tf. data API to read the images for training

Question 120.

Your data science team is training a PyTorch model for image classification based on a pre-trained RestNet model. You need to perform hyperparameter tuning to optimize for several parameters. What should you do? Create a Kuberflow Pipelines instance, and run a hyperparameter tuning job on Katib.

Part 5

GCP Machine Learning Practice Questions Part 4.


Question 121.

You are developing an ML model that uses sliced frames from video feed and creates bounding boxes around specific objects. You want to automate the following steps in your training pipeline: ingestion and preprocessing of data in Cloud Storage, followed by training and hyperparameter tuning of the object model using Vertex AI jobs, and finally deploying the model to an endpoint. You want to orchestrate the entire pipeline with minimal cluster management. What approach should you use?


Use Kubeflow Pipelines on Google Kubernetes Engine.

Question 122.

You recently built the first version of an image segmentation model for a self-driving car. After deploying the model, you observe a decrease in the area under the curve (AUC) metric. When analyzing the video recordings, you also discover that the model fails in highly congested traffic but works as expected when there is less traffic. What is the most likely reason for this result?


Too much data representing congested areas was used for model training

Question 123.

You are an ML engineer at a global shoe store. You manage the ML models for the company’s website. You are asked to build a model that will recommend new products to the user based on their purchase behavior and similarity with other users. What should you do?


Build a collaborative-based filtering model

Question 124.

During batch training of a neural network, you notice that there is an oscillation in the loss. How should you adjust your model to ensure that it converges?


Increase the learning rate hyperparameter

Question 125.

You are working on a binary classification ML algorithm that detects whether an image of a classified scanned document contains a company’s logo. In the dataset, 96% of examples don’t have the logo, so the dataset is very skewed. Which metrics would give you the most confidence in your model?


F-score where recall is weighed more than precision

Question 126.

You work with a data engineering team that has developed a pipeline to clean your dataset and save it in a Cloud Storage bucket. You have created an ML model and want to use the data to refresh your model as soon as new data is available. As part of your CI/CD workflow, you want to automatically run a Kubeflow Pipelines training job on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). How should you architect this workflow?


Configure a Cloud Storage trigger to send a message to a Pub/Sub topic when a new file is available in a storage bucket. Use a Pub/Sub-triggered Cloud Function to start the training job on a GKE cluster

Question 127.

You are an ML engineer at a regulated insurance company. You are asked to develop an insurance approval model that accepts or rejects insurance applications from potential customers. What factors should you consider before building the model?


Traceability, reproducibility, and explainability

Question 128.

You are developing ML models with Al Platform for image segmentation on CT scans. You frequently update your model architectures based on the newest available research papers, and have to rerun training on the same dataset to benchmark their performance. You want to minimize computation costs and manual intervention while having version control for your code. What should you do?


Use Cloud Build linked with Cloud Source Repositories to trigger retraining when new code is pushed to the repository

Question 129.

You are developing a Kubeflow pipeline on Google Kubernetes Engine. The first step in the pipeline is to issue a query against BigQuery. You plan to use the results of that query as the input to the next step in your pipeline. You want to achieve this in the easiest way possible. What should you do?


Locate the Kubeflow Pipelines repository on GitHub Find the BigQuery Query Component, copy that component’s URL, and use it to load the component into your pipeline. Use the component to execute queries against BigQuery

Question 130.

Your company manages an application that aggregates news articles from many different online sources and sends them to users. You need to build a recommendation model that will suggest articles to readers that are similar to the articles they are currently reading. Which approach should you use?


Create a collaborative filtering system that recommends articles to a user based on the user’s past behavior.

Question 131.

You are building a model to predict daily temperatures. You split the data randomly and then transformed the training and test datasets. Temperature data for model training is uploaded hourly. During testing, your model performed with 97% accuracy; however, after deploying to production, the model’s accuracy dropped to 66%. How can you make your production model more accurate?


Split the training and test data based on time rather than a random split to avoid leakage

Question 132.

You are a lead ML engineer at a retail company. You want to track and manage ML metadata in a centralized way so that your team can have reproducible experiments by generating artifacts. Which management solution should you recommend to your team?


Store all ML metadata in Google Cloud’s operations suite.

Question 133.

Your team trained and tested a DNN regression model with good results. Six months after deployment, the model is performing poorly due to a change in the distribution of the input data. How should you address the input differences in production?


Create alerts to monitor for skew, and retrain the model.

Question 134.

You work for a large social network service provider whose users post articles and discuss news. Millions of comments are posted online each day, and more than 200 human moderators constantly review comments and flag those that are inappropriate. Your team is building an ML model to help human moderators check content on the platform. The model scores each comment and flags suspicious comments to be reviewed by a human. Which metric(s) should you use to monitor the model’s performance?


Number of messages flagged by the model per minute confirmed as being inappropriate by humans.

Question 135.

You are responsible for building a unified analytics environment across a variety of on-premises data marts. Your company is experiencing data quality and security challenges when integrating data across the servers, caused by the use of a wide range of disconnected tools and temporary solutions. You need a fully managed, cloud-native data integration service that will lower the total cost of work and reduce repetitive work. Some members on your team prefer a codeless interface for building Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) process. Which service should you use?


Cloud Data Fusion

Question 136.

You are an ML engineer at a bank that has a mobile application. Management has asked you to build an ML-based biometric authentication for the app that verifies a customer’s identity based on their fingerprint. Fingerprints are considered highly sensitive personal information and cannot be downloaded and stored into the bank databases. Which learning strategy should you recommend to train and deploy this ML model?


Federated learning

Question 137.

Your company manages a video sharing website where users can watch and upload videos. You need to create an ML model to predict which newly uploaded videos will be the most popular so that those videos can be prioritized on your company’s website. Which result should you use to determine whether the model is successful?


The model predicts 95% of the most popular videos measured by watch time within 30 days of being uploaded.

Question 138.

You are designing an ML recommendation model for shoppers on your company’s ecommerce website. You will use Recommendations Al to build, test, and deploy your system. How should you develop recommendations that increase revenue while following best practices?


Use the “Frequently Bought Together’ recommendation type to increase the shopping cart size for each order.

You’ve reached the end of another episode of the Data Science. Thanks for reading us! Thanks again, and I’ll see you next time!


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