How to Install CUDA and cuDNN on Ubuntu on an EC2 Instance with GPU

5 minute read

Hello everyone, today we are going to create an EC2 Server with GPU and Install CUDA and cuDNN and create your private AMI.

An EC2 instance, short for Elastic Compute Cloud instance, is a virtual server provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows users to rent virtual machines in the cloud to run their applications and services. EC2 instances offer a wide range of benefits, including scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.

When it comes to using EC2 instances with GPUs (Graphics Processing Units), there are several advantages. GPUs are highly specialized processors designed to handle complex mathematical computations efficiently. By utilizing GPUs in EC2 instances, users can accelerate tasks that require heavy parallel processing, such as machine learning, data analysis, and scientific simulations.

The inclusion of GPUs in EC2 instances enables faster and more efficient processing of graphics-intensive workloads. This can lead to significant performance improvements, reduced processing time, and enhanced capabilities for applications that heavily rely on graphical processing power.

In summary, leveraging EC2 instances with GPUs provides users with the ability to harness the power of specialized processors, enabling them to tackle computationally demanding tasks more effectively and efficiently.

Create EC2 Instance with GPU

First we need to login to our AWS Account

Login to your AWS Account.

Then go to your menu and click Services Quotas


and select All G and VT Spot Instances Requests and click Request increase account level and choose 4 otherwise wont towk. Because the cheaper GPU currently on AWS has 4 vcps and if yo request 1, you wont launch the instance.


After few hours maximum on day, will be available the spot instances for P4 instances. In ordert

If you want use on demand you can use Running on Demand G and VT instances. and agiain you request 4.


Creation of the Security Group

Since our Chatbot will use Streamlit, normally runs on port 8501 or 850* we will have to create a new firewall run to allow a custom port for our streamlit app.

On the menu bar we find Security Groups


We open the Feature of EC2 and we click Create Security Group

So at the configure security group we will a custom tcp port by clicking on the ADD RULE. Then select Custom TCP Port . In the port range you will then change it to 8501, 8888, and 22. Finally you will select anywhere in the sources section. and for outbound keep the default values and click create security group.


For production for sure you can remove the SSH and the Jupyter Notebook ports.

Launch EC2 Instance

We go to EC2 and we create an instance Worker and we choose Ubuntu 22.04 with server g4dn.xlarge


we create a private key, you download this key because we will use later and for security group select existing security group , Streamlit,


Then we require to add additional storage space to our Virtual Instance, we choose 100gb


If we want to save money , in Advanced details we must put spot.


and we keep all the reamaining settings as default and click launch


Be aware that now time is money. So do not forget to delete your instance after you finish this demo.

Now the Instance is initializing , we wait few minutes and then we click on Connect


then we select the SSH Client


Then we have to open our terminal, then go where you downloaded your private key

  1. Run this command, if necessary, to ensure your key is not publicly viewable.

  2. chmod 400 MyPrivateKey.pem
  3. Connect to your instance using its Public DNS for example:
 ssh -i "MyPrivateKey.pem" [email protected]

and you will got something like


Python Installation

Add the deadsnakes PPA repository to the system next. The simplest method for installing Python 3.10 is as follows:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

Use this command to install Python 3.10

sudo apt install python3.10 -y

we click in OK


​ we check the Python Version

python3 --version


then we install our friend pip

sudo apt install python3-pip -y


Install CUDA & cuDNN

Update & upgrade

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Just in case you want to remove previous NVIDIA installation you can do sudo apt autoremove nvidia* --purge, but we skip.

sudo apt install ubuntu-drivers-common -y

Check Ubuntu devices

ubuntu-drivers devices


You will install the NVIDIA driver whose version is tagged with recommended

Install Ubuntu drivers

sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall

Install NVIDIA drivers

My recommended version is 525, adapt to yours

sudo apt install nvidia-driver-525 -y


Reboot & Check

IF you were not on the cloud you can simply type reboot but here we have to reboot our instanced manually



after that we reconnect via ssh verify that the following command works


and wualla


that is image-20231002222952319

Install CUDA drivers

Install CUDA toolkit

sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit -y

Check CUDA install

nvcc --version


Install cuDNN

Download cuDNN .deb file

You can download cuDNN file here. You will need an Nvidia account. Select the cuDNN version for the appropriate CUDA version, which is the version that appears when you run:

nvcc --version


Transferring Files Using SCP

Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) is a means of securely transferring computer files between a local and a remote host or between two remote hosts. It’s based on the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.

To copy a file from your local system to your EC2 instance, use the following command:

scp -i "MyPrivateKey.pem" C:\Users\Downloads\cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204-  [email protected]:/home/ubuntu

and you can check if was uploaded


Install cuDNN

sudo apt install ./cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204-


sudo cp /var/cudnn-local-repo-ubuntu2204- /usr/share/keyrings/

My cuDNN version is 8, adapt the following to your version:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libcudnn8
sudo apt install libcudnn8-dev
sudo apt install libcudnn8-samples


Test CUDA on Pytorch

Create a virtualenv and activate it

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install virtualenv 
virtualenv -p py3.10 venv
source venv/bin/activate


Install pytorch

pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio


Open Python and execute a test

import torch
print(torch.cuda.is_available()) # should be True


t = torch.rand(10, 10).cuda()
print(t.device) # should be CUDA


Create an AMI from an Amazon EC2 Instance

In ordering to save our EC2 Instance Setup that we have done before got to Amazon EC2 Instances view, you can create Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) from either running or stopped instances.

To create an AMI from an instance we Right-click the instance you want to use as the basis for your AMI, and choose Create Image from the context menu.


Then we Create Image context menu. In the Create Image dialog box, type a unique name and description, and then choose Create Image. By default, Amazon EC2 shuts down the instance, takes snapshots of any attached volumes, creates and registers the AMI, and then reboots the instance. Choose No rebootif you don’t want your instance to be shut down.

Warning : If you choose No reboot, we can’t guarantee the file system integrity of the created image.


Then Create Image dialog box. It may take a few minutes for the AMI to be created. After it is created, it will appear in the AMIs view in AWS Explorer. To display this view, double-click the **Amazon EC2 AMIs** node in AWS Explorer. To see your AMIs, from the Viewing drop-down list, choose Owned By Me. You may need to choose Refresh to see your AMI. When the AMI first appears, it may be in a pending state, but after a few moments, it transitions to an available state.

Now you can Terminate your Instance and next time you can load your new GPU instance


Remember that the GPU instances are expensive. Please terminate the instances after you finish this demo.

Congratulations! You have created an EC2 instance with GPU and installed CUDA and AMI.


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