How to perform Real-Time Data Analysis with Kinesis in EC2

8 minute read

We are going to analyze the user ratings of a TV streaming movies. We are interested to know what are most popular captains characters and identify any data anomalies. Kinesis Data Analytics is a perfect pair for this task.


Amazon Kinesis can be used as service for real-time application monitoring, fraud detection, and live leader-boards.

We can ingest streaming data using Kinesis Data Streams, process it using Kinesis Data Analytics, and emit the results to any data store or application using Kinesis Data Streams with millisecond end-to-end latency.

With Amazon Kinesis services, we can perform real-time analytics on data that has been traditionally analyzed using batch processing. Common streaming use cases include sharing data between different applications, streaming extract-transform-load, and real-time analytics. For example, you can use Kinesis Data Firehose to continuously load streaming data into your S3 data lake or analytics services

We can collect and store the Data with Kinesis Data Streams then Process with Kinesis Data Firehose and the analize with Kinesis Data Analytics

In this blog post we are going to perfom the following tasks:

  1. Create a Kinesis Data Firehose Stream
  2. Send Data to the Stream
  3. Find Averages of the Data Per Minute
  4. Find Anomalies in the Data

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 12.55.09

Create a Kinesis Data Firehose Stream

  1. Log in to the AWS console
  2. Please make sure you are in the us-east-1 (N. Virginia) region when in the AWS console.
  3. We are going to send data to S3, so we need a way to receive the user data.
  4. In the search bar on top, enter “firehose”.Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 12.52.49

Select Kinesis Data Firehose from the search results.

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 12.53.20

  1. Click Create Delivery Stream.
  2. Under Delivery stream name, enter “captains-kfh”.
  3. Select Direct PUT or other sources.

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 12.55.56

  • Under S3 Bucket, click Create New.

In S3 bucket name, enter “captains-data” plus some random characters for uniqueness.

  • Click Create S3 bucket.

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 12.58.11

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 12.59.18

  • Under Buffer size, enter “1”.
  • Under Buffer interval, enter “60”.

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 13.01.25

Click Create delivery stream.

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 13.02.06

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 13.02.40

Ingestion of Fake Data to simulate the Streaming

In this part we will setup and EC2 instance to send Data to the Stream

Open the Amazon EC2 console at

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 13.05.07

Choose Launch Instance.

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 13.05.43

Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), find an Amazon Linux 2 AMI at the top of the list and choose **Select.

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 13.06.06

Choose an Instance Type, choose **Next: Configure Instance Details.

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 13.06.47

Configure Instance Details**, provide the following information:

  1. Leave Number of instances at one.
  2. Leave Purchasing option at the default setting.
  3. For Network, choose the entry for the same VPC that you noted when you created your EFS file system in Create your Amazon EFS file system.
  4. For Subnet, choose a default subnet in any Availability Zone.
  5. For File systems, make sure that the EFS file system that you created in Create your Amazon EFS file system is selected. The path shown next to the file system ID is the mount point that the EC2 instance will use, which you can change.
  6. The User data automatically includes the commands for mounting your Amazon EFS file system.

Choose Next: Add Storage.

Choose Next: Add Tags.

Name your instance and choose Next: Configure Security Group.

Configure Security Group, set **Assign a security group to Select an existing security group. Choose the default security group to make sure that it can access your EFS file system.

You can’t access your EC2 instance by Secure Shell (SSH) using this security group. SSH access isn’t required for this exercise. To add access by SSH later, you can edit the default security and add a rule to allow SSH. Or you can create a new security group that allows SSH. You can use the following settings to add SSH access:

  • Type: SSH
  • Protocol: TCP
  • Port Range: 22
  • Source: Anywhere
  1. Choose Review and Launch.

  2. Choose Launch.

  3. Select the check box for the key pair that you created, and then choose Launch Instances.

Additionally we can create a group and select the policies to be attached to the group. Using groups is a best-practice way to manage users’ permissions by job functions, AWS service access, or your custom permissions.

Policy name:




During the creation of the user of the EC2 instance we can download the .csv file of credentials that you will use that will be used later.

Send Data to the Stream

We simulate user data being sent to the stream and verify that it is output to S3

  1. Open an SSH client.

  2. Locate your private key file. The key used to launch this instance is kinesis.pem

  3. Run this command, if necessary, to ensure your key is not publicly viewable.

    chmod 400 kinesis.pem
  4. Connect to your instance using its Public DNS, for example ,

 ssh -i "kinesis.pem" [email protected]

When prompted, enter “y” for yes.

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 14.04.58

Installing the Generator of Data with Python 3 with the Boto 3

Perform a yum check-update to refresh the package index. The check-update also looks for available updates.

sudo yum update -y

Run list installed to determine if Python 3 is already installed on the host.

Python 3 already installed output example:

[ec2-user ~]$ yum list installed | grep -i python3
python3.x86_64                        3.7.10-1.amzn2.0.1             installed  
python3-daemon.noarch                 2.2.3-8.amzn2.0.2              installed  
python3-docutils.noarch               0.14-1.amzn2.0.2               installed  
python3-libs.x86_64                   3.7.10-1.amzn2.0.1             installed  
python3-lockfile.noarch               1:0.11.0-17.amzn2.0.2          installed  
python3-pip.noarch                    20.2.2-1.amzn2.0.3             installed  
python3-pystache.noarch               0.5.4-12.amzn2.0.1             installed  
python3-setuptools.noarch             49.1.3-1.amzn2.0.2             installed  
python3-simplejson.x86_64             3.2.0-1.amzn2.0.2              installed  

If is not installed

sudo yum install python3 -y

Create a virtual environment under the ec2-user home directory

The following command creates the app directory with the virtual environment inside of it. You can change my_app to another name. If you change my_app, make sure that you reference the new name in the remaining resolution steps.

python3 -m venv my_app/env
source ~/my_app/env/bin/activate

Next we make sure that you have the latest pip module installed within your environment.

pip install pip --upgrade

Use the pip command to install the Boto 3 library within our virtual environment.

pip install boto3
pip install faker
pip install json

Use the deactivate command to exit the virtual environment.


To activate the virtual environment automatically when you log in, add it to the ~/.bashrc file.

 echo "source ${HOME}/my_app/env/bin/activate" >> ${HOME}/.bashrc

Source the ~/.bashrc file in your home directory to reload your environment’s bash environment. Reloading automatically activates your virtual environment. The prompt reflects the change (env). This change also applies to any future SSH sessions.

source ~/.bashrc

AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) Setup

For general use, the aws configure command is the fastest way to set up your AWS CLI installation. When you enter this command, the AWS CLI prompts you for four pieces of information:

The AWS CLI stores this information in a profile (a collection of settings) named default in the credentials file. By default, the information in this profile is used when you run an AWS CLI command that doesn’t explicitly specify a profile to use. For more information on the credentials file, see Configuration and credential file settings

The following example shows sample values. Replace them with your own values as described in the following sections.

$ aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
Default region name [None]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: json

Create a generator of data by using Python

We download first the application

curl -OL

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 14.48.08

Open up the send_captains_to_cloud_ file to view the code:


Clear the screen:

ctrl + x 

Run the script:


Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 16.06.43

  1. Go back to the Kinesis Firehose tab. Our delivery stream should now have a status of Active.

  2. Click captains-kfh.

  3. Click the Monitoring tab.

  4. Switch to a one-hour view by clicking 1h. The graphs may take a few minutes to populate with data points.

    Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 16.08.56

  5. Go back to the terminal and stop the script by pressing any key.

  6. Go back to the Kinesis Firehose tab.

  7. Click on Kinesis Firehouse delivery streams and then click on captains-kfh. Alternatively, you can just click on the Details tab.

  8. Under S3 bucket in Amazon S3 destination, click on the link to the bucket to view the S3 bucket.

  9. Go back to the terminal to pull some of the data down.

  10. Find the bucket name:

    aws s3 ls
  11. Copy the bucket name.

  12. View the bucket contents:

    aws s3 sync s3://<INSERT_BUCKET_NAME> .
  13. View the folder structure:

  14. Change the working directory to the folder for the current year, month, day, and hour:

    cd <YEAR>/<MONTH>/<DAY>/<HOUR>/
  15. View the files in the folder:

  16. Copy one of the file names.

  17. View the first 200 characters of the file:

    cut -c -200 <INSERT_FILE_NAME>

    Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 16.18.28

  18. Return to the home directory:

  19. Start the data-generating stream again:


Find the Average Captain Ratings

We analyze the stream data to find the minute-by-minute popularity of our

users favorite captains.

  1. Go back to the Kinesis Firehose tab.
  2. In the menu on the left, click Data Analytics.
  3. Click Create application.Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 16.20.09
  4. Under Application name, enter “popular-captains”.
  5. Under Description, enter “Our users’ favorite captains”.

Click Create application.

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 16.23.44

Click Connect streaming data.

Select Kinesis Firehose delivery stream.

Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 16.25.17

  1. In the Kinesis Firehose delivery stream dropdown menu, select the captains-kfh stream.

    Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 16.25.45

  2. Select Choose from IAM roles that Kinesis Analytics can assume.

  3. In the IAM role dropdown menu, select the provided IAM role for this lab.

    Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 16.27.02

  4. Click Discover schema.

    Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 16.27.39

  5. Click Save and continue.

    Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 16.28.17

  6. Under Real time analytics, click Run.

  7. Click Yes, start application.

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Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 16.30.12

  1. Create a query using the SQL Editor to show the average rating and total rating of each captain per minute, At the end of the query, change the last line to order the average rating by descending order:

    CREATE OR REPLACE STREAM "CAPTAIN_SCORES" ("favoritecaptain" VARCHAR(32), average_rating DOUBLE, total_rating INTEGER);
    SELECT STREAM "favoritecaptain", avg("rating") as average_rating, sum("rating") as total_rating

Click Save and run application . The table will need to be recreated, which will take a few minutes before it is ready to view.

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Screenshot 2021-09-22 at 16.52.08

Find Anomalous Captain Ratings

Here, there might some anomalous values in the stream. We create an analysis

to find this data in real time.

  1. Delete the SQL code for popular captains.

  2. Create a new query that will rank the incoming captain ratings by how anomalous the rating is, displaying the most anomalous values first:

       "favoritecaptain" VARCHAR(32),
       "rating"          INTEGER,
    SELECT STREAM "favoritecaptain", "rating", "ANOMALY_SCORE" FROM
      CURSOR(SELECT STREAM "favoritecaptain", "rating" FROM "SOURCE_SQL_STREAM_001")
       "favoritecaptain" VARCHAR(32),
       "rating"          INTEGER,
    -- Sort records by descending anomaly score, insert into output stream
  3. Click Save and run application. The table will take a few minutes to populate.

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Congratulations ! We have created a Kinesis Data Firehose Stream we sent Data to the Stream and found Averages of the Data and Anomalies in the Data.


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